For fans of Days of Our Lives who are missing seeing Arianne Zucker as Nicole every day, they’ll definitely want to tune in to see the actress in her new movie, Web Cam Girls, premiering Saturday, Dec. 30, at 8 p.m. ET on Lifetime! The thriller follows 18-year-old high school senior Alex Hilers, who discovers that her cousin, Carolyn, is doing online web cam sex shows. And when Carolyn’s double life brings her to the attention of a serial killer who takes web cam girls and casts them in snuff films, it’s a race against time to save her life! Arianne plays Rachel, Alex’s mother, who must crack the case and discover the shocking identity of the killer to save Carolyn! “What a great thriller!” Arianne enthused to Soaps In Depth.
The actress admitted that the theme of protecting kids from the dangers of the online world is something she feels very strongly about. “The Internet today is just so fast!” Arianne marveled. “I’m always checking in on my daughter. I’m like, ‘Okay, what are you looking at on the computer?’ Because if I go away to do the dishes for a half an hour and come back, I want to make sure she’s not changing it to something else.”

Zucker and daughter Isabella at the Secret Room Emmy Gifting Suite in 2013.
Arianne also related a story of how her own mother helped protect her at the very beginning of her career. “When I graduated high school, I took off to Paris because I won a modeling contest,” she revealed. “And my mom was like, ‘What?! Let me tell you about the real world real quick before you leave.’ And she really armed me with the knowledge that all these things can happen to you and you may not come home if you don’t take care of yourself. So it scared the heck out of me, but she was right!”

Rachel teams with Carolyn’s drunken father, Scott, to try to save the day.
As Alex races to rescue her cousin in the film, she is forced to turn to her mother for help, which helps bring the two closer together. “She’s a good girl and she’s trying to do the right thing, which is nice,” Arianne previewed. “The B storyline is we’re trying to reconnect again.”
Arianne joked that her soap fans will enjoy watching Web Cam Girls “because I’m in it!” before explaining the real reason why they will enjoy the new thriller. “Soaps have kidnappings and detective issues and comas and accidents,” she mused, “so I think it’s the same kind of vibe. It just happens faster in a two-hour movie. I think that’s the draw. Anybody who loves thrillers will love this!”
But there’s also one more reason she thinks fans should check out her new movie, and Arianne laughed as she confided: “It airs on my parents’ 50th anniversary!”
Check out this preview for Web Cam Girls and be sure to tune in to Lifetime when it premieres on Saturday night!
This story originally appeared on our sister site, CBS Soaps In Depth.