Since its premiere in 2005, Grey's Anatomy episodes have shocked viewers. The show is notorious for killing off beloved characters and providing surprising plot-twists that leave fans desperately wanting more. The landmark 300th episode will air this Thursday, so we decided to reflect on the best moments from the show. Keep scrolling to find out our favorite Grey's Anatomy episodes!

Season 2 Episodes 16 and 17 — "It's the End of the World" and "As We Know It"
Memorable quote: "If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you want to spend it?"
What most fans simply refer to as "the bomb episodes," it's no surprise that these episodes made the list. The two-part storyline arc focused on Meredith Grey, who took the place of a young paramedic and ended up having her hand stuck in a patient's body cavity. The problem? A bomb that had yet to go off was in there as well.

Season 8 Episode 24 — "Flight"
Memorable quote: "We're going to have the best life, you and me. You can't die because we're supposed to end up together. We're meant to be."
Honestly, we're still not over the traumatic plane crash episode. Not only did we lose Lexie Grey and later on Mark Sloan (RIP!) but Arizona Robbin's also lost her leg and Cristina lost, well, her mind. Or did you already forget her epic "I lost a shoe" line?

Season 3 Episode 25 — “Didn’t We Almost Have it All?”
Memorable quote: "I'm up there waiting for you to come down the aisle and I know you don't want to come."
Very few Grey's characters have a wedding that ends with the bride and groom actually getting married. The Season 3 finale was no different for Cristina Yang and Preston Burke. Burke realized that Cristina didn't really want to marry her, so he ended up leaving her at the altar and then disappearing entirely.

Season 5 Episode 24 — "Now or Never"
Memorable quote: "Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it, but every now and then, look around; Drink it in 'cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow."
The Season 5 finale was jam-packed with drama: George O'Malley (aka John Doe) was hit by a bus, Izzie Stevens flatlined after surgery, and Meredith and Derek Shepherd got married on a post-it. Swoon. As much as we love that MerDer moment, the real stand-out moment from the episode was the ending when viewers watched George and Izzie enter an elevator knowing that one (or both) of them could die. In the end, George sadly passed away in one of the most brutal Grey's deaths to date.

Season 3 Episodes 15, 16, and 17 — “Walk on Water,” "Drowning on Dry Land" and "Some Kind of Miracle"
Memorable quote: "There's more I have to say, so much more, but… I've disappeared."
In the three-episode arc, we watched the doctors rush to save patients after a ferryboat crash. But, Meredith was pushed into the water and in the depressed state she was in, stopped fighting to stay afloat. Later Derek saved her from the water, but she almost didn't come back to life due to hypothermia and lack of oxygen. While she was in a "limbo" state she spoke to her mother, Ellis Grey, and finally received the affirmation she desperately needed before her mother's death.

Season 2 Episode 5 — “Bring the Pain”
Memorable quote: "I love you, in a really, really big – pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window – unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me."
Ugh, the iconic "pick me" speech where Meredith poured her heart out to Derek in an effort to win him over from his estranged wife, Addison Montogomery Shepherd. Her efforts ultimately failed, but she got him in the end (at least, before his car crash).

Season 10 Episode 12 — "Get Up, Stand Up"
Memorable quote: "I love everything about you — even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you and I think that you love me, too. Do you?"
Remember when we said most Grey's weddings don't end with a marriage between the bride and groom? Well, sometimes they end with a marriage between the bride and the bride's ex-boyfriend. That was the case in this episode when Jackson Avery stood up and professed his love to April Kepner leaving all Japril fans speechless while "Total Eclipse of the Heart" played in the background.

Season 2 Episode 5 — "Into You Like a Train"
Memorable quote: "As surgeons we have to be in the know. But as human beings, sometimes it's better to stay in the dark, because in the dark there may be fear, but there's also hope."
One of the best patient-focused storylines from the show was definitely this episode which told the story of two victims of a train crash. A pole was stuck in an older man and a younger woman, and eventually, the doctors realized that they could only save one of them. Since the man's injuries were less severe they chose to save him. As if that wasn't heartbreaking enough, the woman knew she was going to die before she went into surgery and told Derek to tell her fiancé "if love were enough that she'd still be here with him." SOBS.

Season 6 Episode 23 and 24: — “Sanctuary” and "Death and All His Friends"
Memorable quote: "The hospital was my church… my school… my home. The hospital was my safe place… My sanctuary. I love it here. Correction: loved it here."
We have chills just thinking about this episode. We expect people with gunshot wound injuries to go to the hospital, not receive them in the hospital. The doctors became the victims of a mass murder after a patient (who lost his wife in a previous episode) returned to avenge his wife's death. Derek, Alex Karev, and Owen Hunt were all shot… yet thankfully survived. But, other doctors weren't so fortunate.

Season 2 Episode 27 — "Losing My Religion"
Memorable quote: "An hour ago he was proposing. And now, and now he's going to the morgue. Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't it the most ridiculous piece of crap you've ever heard?"
This episode was also the third part of a three-story arc but was hands-down the best of the episodes. Actually, we think it includes the arguably best scene of the entire show. Izzie fell in love with her patient, Denny Duquette, who needed a heart transplant. In a moment of desperation, she cut his LVAD wire in order to get him a higher spot on the UNOS list. Her plan seemed to have worked after he received his transplant, but a blood-clot ended up taking his life at the end of the episode. We'll never forget the image of Izzie in her prom dress sobbing over Denny's lifeless body as "Chasing Cars" played. This scene was definitely Grey's at its best.