There may be a lot of criticism thrown Hollywood's way for recycling old ideas in the form of TV and movie reboots, but the truth is that we're loving a lot of what they're bringing back. Look at the success of Will and Grace, the recent Gilmore Girls Netflix mini-series, or the return of The X-Files and Twin Peaks. And the excitement about Roseanne, and the way that everyone is embracing the idea of returns for Mad About You and The Office — all of which are just the shows picking up where the originals left off.
There are also complete reboots on the way in terms of movies and TV shows, several of which — Charlie's Angels, Cleopatra Jones, Get Christie Love, Tomb Raider, The Greatest American Hero, Kung Fu— are centered around strong women of action, which couldn't be better timed. Then there's the big-name prequels, like Charmed, The Dark Crystal, Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones; movies being turned into TV shows, and old TV classics being completely reimagined, including one that's going from animation to live action.
A lot of old friends are coming back, and there's nothing wrong with that. What follows is a look at what you can expect in the near future.