It may seem like going about life as the royal baby would be great, but Princess Charlotte proves it's anything but. Forget living a life of luxury, traveling anywhere you want, and having grapes fed to you by a dedicated friend and servant (what, isn't that how you'd live your life as a princess?). It's actually more about shaking hands with politicians, being stuck on planes, attending royal events, and never being allowed to just sit down and pout on the ground like you want to. In fact, being one of the royal babies is actually pretty exhausting — and full of responsibilities you never volunteered to be part of.
Yep, being the daughter of Prince William and Kate Middleton isn't all glitz and glamour like it's cracked up to be. Sometimes you just want to dance or wear pretty dresses or go to art class at school without being a representative of the entire English monarchy. And sometimes you just want to boss your big brother around without him being the future king of England. On top of all that, now the princess even has to worry about being a big sister. It's just too much for one royal baby to bear.
But hey, at least when Charlotte and Prince George get their new sibling, the tiny tot will be able to pass along the mantle of royal baby to someone new. Then it'll be their job to try not to cry or yawn or throw a fit during an official meeting with the crown prince of Denmark. Awww, finally, a respite from the spotlight. Sorry, future royal highnesses, but this little princess is ready for a break. Check out the gallery below to see the proof that, for Princess Charlotte, being a royal baby is nothing but royally exhausting.