That ain’t cool, dawg!
Randy Jackson opened up about the upcoming American Idol reboot in a new interview — and revealed he was actually asked to come back to the show, but not as a judge!

Randy and the former American Idol judges.
“They wanted me to take Ryan Seacrest’s job, because they said ‘Look man, look, you got it. You know how to do it, dog,'” he told Entertainment Tonight of the music competition’s iconic host. “I would only host with Ryan. He’s my friend. You know let’s see — Kelly [Ripa] and Ryan, Ryan and Randy. Oh man. It’s gonna work man. I feel it!”
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Regardless if that little onstage pair works out, Randy says he’s really “happy for” the reboot. “Listen, it’s a great show. I think it’s still the best of its kind ever, so I’m really happy, you know what I mean? It’s a great, great show. I’m sure it’s gonna be fun.”
Randy’s former fellow judge, Paula Abdul, also recently opened up about the highly-talked-about revival. “I’m excited for their reboot, and I think that ABC is a wonderful network for it as well,” she revealed. “I think it’s perfect.”
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But that doesn’t mean we can expect to see her back on the panel after all this time. “I had an incredible time on that show, and am blessed to have been part of it from the beginning but I think that they need to do a whole reboot,” she added.
Click through the gallery below to see the American Idol judges through the years!